Research has demonstrated employees feel a higher sense of engagement when they are encouraged to drive improvement
Eliminate the criticism about your organization’s “black hole” that stifles inspiration and creativity
The Companion helps you to not only “do things right,” but to “do the right things”
Capture improvement opportunities at the point of inspiration:
New ideas area automatically added to their private queue where they can receive one last look before publishing to the rest of the organization.
The Companion is available to COMPASS users at no cost, but if you are in a leadership position, consider the opportunity to give every employee a voice through the Companion.
COMPASS has been recognized as a “High Performing” project management application on G2Crowd for 6 consecutive quarters and as a “Top Quality Management System” by CIO Review magazine
“The business problems being solved via COMPASS involve mostly process improvements and system inefficiencies intrinsic in the delivery of integrated care services. Benefits realized in the first year of implementation of COMPASS include $134,000 ROI. The system has harnessed a unified team approach to problem solving center-wide while ensuring executive level engagement with every launched project.”
Rene N
Chief Compliance Officer
Emergence Health Network
COMPASS® is a project portfolio management system designed to sustain your organization’s quality and performance improvement activity.
COMPASS® creates a pipeline of improvement opportunities that are automatically prioritized for consideration by management. Projects are resourced on a timely basis, and improvement teams are guided, step-by-step, through the completion of work necessary to achieve breakthrough improvement.
The best tools for each problem are recommended and provided to the end user. Real-time reports are available in an A3 format, the reporting tool of choice for many organizations today. Accelerate your ROI from improvement work because you are completing more projects - and completing all projects, in less time than before.